Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Rise Against's New B Side Album "Long Forgotten Songs"

Yesterday, Punk rock band Rise Against released news about their latest musical endeavor “Forgotten Songs”. This is essentially a compilation of all the band’s “B-Side” tracks that may have only been released in certain countries, or were just scattered across various compilation albums such as “Rock Against Bush” or movie soundtracks. I think this is a really cool idea, because I feel that a lot of B sides songs are amazing and should have actually made it on the album they were a part of. Tracks by Rise Against such as “Generation Lost” or “Death Blossoms” stood out to me a lot when I first heard them. They sound really raw, but still powerful and holding lyrical and instrumental value.

I hope a lot of bands start doing this, because this is a really smart way to satiate the want of “new material” from the fans. Chances are that not every fan has heard every B-side track, and it could give the band some extra time to get material for the next record. As the band also stated, this is a good way to see how the band changed and progressed over the years, as well as viewing how far they can stretch themselves. Rise Against did a track called “Making Christmas” for the compilation “Nightmare Revisited” CD that was released by Walt Disney. What was really cool about this track was that the band tried to follow the original score as opposed to doing a typical punk rock version of the song. A track such as this shows how creative a band can get.

Overall, I’m looking forward to this record and all it has to offer. It may not necessarily be new material, but it will satiate my Rise Against cravings for a good month or two! The album releases September 10th I believe, mark your calendars!

Here is the link to Rise Against talking about the B Side album!:

Here is the link to Making Christmas:


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