Sunday, July 28, 2013


I picked up 10000000 when it was the Amazon free app of the day a few months back. With that being said, it is quite possibly my favorite game to play on my Samsung Galaxy S III. It is an old school RPG styled dungeon crawler where you increase your resources, get new weapons, and level up in order to score ten million points to obtain your freedom. The game opens up with the character jumping out of bed and presented with various doors that are accessible via ladders. Each of the doors, minus the large on at the bottom of the screen, all house different abilities your character can improve upon such as shields, weapons, traits etc. It should be noted that the graphics are not good, but that adds to the game’s charm. It is reminiscent to the old 80’s games that we all love so much.

The gameplay itself though is very Bejeweled which took me by surprise the first time I played it. You are provided with seven different types of tiles: Sword, Shield, Staff, Key, Wood, Stone and Item. Sword and Staff are the offensive tiles that you match up in order to attack the enemies The Shield tiles build up your defensive and the Item tiles help you get items that can help you. These items vary such as scrolls, which changes some of the tiles on the board to a specific tile such as sword or staff, or weapons such as axes and balls of yarn which can launched at the enemy to take out a chunk of their health. Keys help open chests or doors, and the wood and stone tiles are used for resources to re build doors in the main screen and to upgrade the doors for more options.

The enemies are shown at a small menu before you are thrown into the game, along with objectives you can finish in order to level up and obtain resources required to level up. The actually side scrolling effect is very well integrated within this game.  Your character essentially runs in through dungeons and encounters enemies to attack, and chest as well as doors to unlock to progress. The enemies can vary between combat enemies, which are enemies that like to get up close and personal when they attack, ranged enemies that launch bombs or projectiles from a distance to do their damage, and boss enemies, which is pretty self explanatory. They increase in difficulty gradually so the game doesn’t become too easy or difficult.

This game became very addicting to me. I don’t know if it was the simplicity of the game itself, a simple side scrolling game, or if it was because of the tile matching, a technique I hadn’t seen utilized as the main function of the game in a RPG game. The overall game is worth it, and I would give the game a 9/10. It surprisingly has a great replay value since you can clear your progress any time during the game in order to start over. 


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