Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Sleepbot- Tracking Your Sleep Should Be Easy

Sleeping has been something that we have always craved as people. Applications can now track how well a person sleeps. Utilizing your smart phone, you can now not only track how much sleep you get, but your motion can be tracked as well which dictates your REM cycle. Even the sounds you make can be tracked.

The application I would like to bring to your attention today is Sleep Bot. I initially started using this application a year ago during my sophomore year of college. I wanted to make sure I was getting good sleep and I wanted to improve my sleeping habits so I downloaded this app. Since then, it has gone through quite a few changes, and I feel that I now have enough experience to discuss it
The application in itself is quite simple. You open the app to see the amount of hours you got in sleep last night through swiping through the screens, you can see the charts they offer you. I prefer the swiping to access these things as opposed to a clutter of menus that some other apps offer because I find that for this type of application, I don't need a lot.

On the first screen you can see the three functions that are available to you. The first being Smart Alarm. Smart alarm sets an alarm based on when you go to bed and how many hours of sleep you want. Based on those facts alone, it will create an alarm to slowly wake you up and ease you into the day. Personally, no alarm is going to 'ease' me into the day so I generally stay away from that feature. The second feature is the track motion feature and it is the one I use the most. I leave my phone plugged into the charger at bedtime and then leave it in my mattress. It detects when I move and graphs the entire thing. I find it useful to see if I ever reached my REM cycle. The final feature is the record sound function. Since I don't talk in my sleep, and nothing great really goes on around me, I don't record my sleep. I've had roommates before and no one has come to me confessing I snore like an elephant, so until then, I will shy away from that feature as well.

The screen to the right of it displays your sleep and how much you got everyday. The date start time, end time, sleep earned, and how much in sleep debt you're in are all displayed. Now, sleep debt is not as scary as it sounds. You set how many hours of sleep you want every night. It defaults to eight, but I lowered mine to seven. After you get sleep, it shows sleep debt, which is the hours you wanted subtracted by the hours you actually got. If the number is negative, it means you got more sleep then you intended.

The settings are pretty straightforward. It is worth noting that you do have the option to backup and restore your information. This makes it less stressful to deal with crashes and accidental wiping of the memory. Some other unique settings are the bedtime reminder, which is self explanatory, and the punch offset. Punch offset let's use select a predetermined measurement of time, say ten minutes, and use that as the offset. Now, if you click the button to start monitoring your sleep, it will not start until ten minutes later. This compensates for how long it will take you to get to sleep. I see mine to 10 minutes and have encountered no issues with it.

This application fit all of my needs to a 't'. I wanted an app that wasn't cluttered. Don't get me wrong, I love my features in apps, and I love having a lot of them, but with a sleeping app, I find I don't need much. This app was easy enough to understand and use within five minutes and after that, I was set. I recommend this app for anyone who wants a straightforward app that has good features, but isn’t overly complicated to use. 


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