Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Microsoft goes back on their word again!

Microsoft recently revealed the news that the Kinect is no longer required to be plugged in for the Xbox One to work. This is their second overturn in policy in three months, the first being DRM and used games issue. Although Microsoft was keen to attach the Kinect as an always on piece of technology, customers understood that there would be privacy issues, and after all the frights and scares concerning Edward Snowden, I'm not surprised Microsoft stepped down and decided to make the Kinect an optional feature.  

In doing so though, Microsoft shows that they don't really predict the future well and what consumers want. I am inclined to say that almost anyone would have guessed that not having used games and forcing a video/audio sensor to always be on would not work well with customers. Customers want freedom and various choices, and Microsoft practically obliterated that with their initial choices in policy. Microsoft could have easily made better choices in policy and presentation before news of the Xbox One even released.

I remember six or seven years ago when the Xbox 360 was hyped by Microsoft, and when the time came for the consoles to release, it was a legitimate competition. My friends were torn between Sony and Microsoft, and they weighed in every possible factor they could. It seems this time around, Sony has made a better case and will probably will this console war in the beginning.  It was poor planning on Microsoft's part, and Sony just did what any company would do if their competitor faltered, they capitalized on it. Microsoft is going to have to do more than just reverse poor policies, they are going to have to create new ones that entice their customers to stick with them and make them feel like spending the extra hundred dollars more on the Xbox one was worth it.. 

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